As promised, here is some more about Gordon Stettinius. First of all, he is an amazing photographer. And if you need proof, check out this link to his website. Be sure to view all the portfolio links (each of which has multiple photographs): Miss Americana, Notes from U.S. Route 1, Gord is Dead, Mangini Studio Series and Cures Baldness. You will not be disappointed…his unique perspective, talent, and his wit shine through.
As you can learn from the biography on the site, Stettinius has exhibited nationally and internationally, with good reason. But at the same time, it is important to realize, that he has focused his energies on Candela Gallery, which he founded and still runs. Candela is Richmond Virginia’s only gallery dedicated solely to photography, and the exhibitions there are amazing.
Right now, the Gallery is showing “Unbound 12”. Here is more info about the “Unbound” concept from the Candela website. "In the summer of 2012, Candela Books + Gallery founder Gordon Stettinius launched UnBound! as an invitational exhibition to build community and support artists. From the beginning, Candela has hosted a fundraising effort to allow the gallery to purchase a limited number of works from each summer’s show. The resulting Collection has since grown to over 100 pieces. The mission of the Candela Collection has been to support photographers through the purchase and collection of original photographic work, while also actively pursuing opportunities to donate said work to notable art institutions. The UnBound! exhibition is now primarily submission-based with only a small selection of invited artists represented. UnBound! aims to present a survey of what photography looks like in the moment, exhibiting 40+ strong works representing a range of concepts, personal and professional backgrounds, and applications of the photographic medium.”
As noted, right now, "Unbound 12" is on view and there is a launch party scheduled for August 5. If you are available, be sure to go. Here's link to the show itself: And here's how to get tickets for the August 5 extravaganza:
An important part of Stettinius’ work at Candela is the books he has published, first and foremost, the book on Gita Lenz. This is an amazing story. Stettinius met Gita Lenz in 2002 at a reception for an exhibition of his photography in New York City. She was 92 years old at the time. Lenz gained significant recognition as a photographer in 1950s to the mid-1960s. For instance, her work was included in the seminal work “The Family of Man” (1954) which was curated by Edward Steichen.
Stettinius became heir of Lenz’s amazing work and was able to continue her legacy by publishing a beautiful book, “Gita Lenz” in 2010. The book itself (I have a copy) is very high quality. And Lenz’s photographs are world class.
In the book Stettinius, in giving thanks for those who made the book possible, says this directly to Lenz: Most of all I want to express my gratitude to Gita. “I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting with you in New York, and I have been amazed at how, at ninety-nine years old, you can be transported back in time to the New York of your photos. The evident pride you show when you look at your work has been a pleasure to see. There were many times when you looked up from your photos, and you smiled and said, ‘Well, I must say I was pretty damn good.’ That makes me laugh to think about, and I couldn’t agree more.” (page 95)
Here's a link where you can order the book. I highly recommend it.
Gordon Stettinius and Candela Gallery and Books make Richmond, Va. a very special place indeed.

Photograph by Gita Lenz. Copyright 2010 Candela Books